Happy Tuesday!! I know it’s been a while since my last post (so sorry that life keeps getting in the way of my blogging routine…..maybe if I actually created a blogging “routine” or a schedule, even, I could check it off of my list more often?! I’ll try that!!), but the good news is, that I didn’t realize how MUCH of a while it’s been until I looked at the calendar this morning – which means April is FLYING by!!! I’ll take it. Next up . . . May?!?! Holy moly.
Rewinding just a bit . . . just before spring break, my school had a school wide Walk-a-thon and it was so super fun to walk laps around the school with my firsties all to raise money for our school! Here’s a pic from before and a pic from during the Walk. It was a bit chilly at first, but the kids had a great time and we raised lots of money! I am really going to miss my kids next year.
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Before |
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During! |
My first official spring break was fabulous. Got to spend time with family and friends back home, got to start some wedding plans with my sister, went to classes at the gym during the daytime!! (myfitnesspal.com and I are down 7.5 lbs and my fave gray pants fit again!! YAY), saw Jack Dawson in a tux in 3D, annnd I got to catch up on things like laundry/cleaning at home. < – – – Which oddly enough makes me smile. Any type of productivity puts a smile on my face 98% of the time. 🙂
I don’t know about you, but I am still bumming about American Idol’s most recent elimination. I’ve got 2 favorites this season, and one just got the boot. 🙁 I guess I’ll just have to get my Colton Dixon fix via Twitter! haha . . . no, seriously. For your enjoyment, I’ve posted one of my favorite Colton Dixon performances below . . .
But if I’m mentioning idol . . . I can’t go without mentioning Phillip “I was born with a name that needs to be on billboards” Phillips. 🙂 🙂
Yeah. Enough said. About that, anyway 🙂
Continuing with the randomness, but with a topic I’ve hit before… Dude…. DEXTER IS RIDICULOUS. And by ridiculous…. I can’t even FIND a more appropriate word filled with enough awesomeness to explain this to you. We just got to a LITERALLY jaw-dropping moment last night in season 4….Ryan’s all like “ok, we can save the next episode until tomorrow” and I’m all like “WHAT?!?!?!!?!? WE CAN NOT!!!!” He (along with my bedtime) always win(s) that one though. Dude. Children aren’t a radar blip of mine, but if I had a boy, I would name him Dex. I’m not kidding. I’m so irritated with myself that I haven’t found him before this spring. Dude. (I know Meghan Bradley will understand and appreciate my overuse of “dude”. It’s totally necessary. )
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Totally. |
Moving on . . . Tomorrow, I will have been a newlywed for 10 months?!?! I’ve definitely learned a lot and grown a ton in the last 10 months of my life and my plan is to send another post your way tomorrow sharing a bit of that with you. 🙂
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Best day of my life <3 |
Next topic . . . Soooo I LOVE reading books before watching their corresponding movies butttt it has been a hell of a struggle for me to get through Water for Elephants. I know it’s more than this, but circus animal drama is just not my thing and I can NOT get into this book! However, I’ve made it about 65% (so my Kindle tells me..) of the way through, so I should just suck it up a finish it now, right?!? So I can finally watch Rob and Reese on the big screen version?! As you know, Ryan and I are currently rereading the Games, too, sooo any book after THAT is the toughest act to follow, I know, but UGH! Any great book suggestions that equal, “Ashley, you won’t want to put this down” status? I’d love to hear them!
Ok . . . until tomorrow’s post . . . enjoy your days, find the love for Dexter Morgan, laugh, and for the love of Peter, yes – Peter, smile 🙂 28 days of kids til SUMMMMERR <3
Your kids at school are soooo cute. AND, Colton was one of my favorites too 🙁 poor guy!
i know!! I'm totally bummed 🙂 by the way, your blog makes my stomach hurt with laughter. thank you for that!