As promised, I wanted to share with you a few of the lessons/facts that married life has taught me 🙂
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10 months later . . . <3 |
1. Laugh
Although I spend most of my life being pretty darned serious and professional, the last 10 months have brought me a lot of expected and unexpected laughter. Whether I’m laughing at myself because I STILL have managed to screw up a Digiorno pizza (may or may not forget to remove the cardboard on occasion), or laughing until it hurts with two of my newest yet dearest friends, or sharing a laugh about WHATEVER with my husband – laughter is good. That’s all there is to it.
2. Balance
Ironically, the name of my blog comes in on this one. As much of a challenge as it has been to balance and juggle all of the new elements in my life these past 10 months, I’ve found that a little bit of everything/everyone that I love is the best recipe. Between my hubby, our families, our friends, football, food, workouts, and lazy days on the couch, I think I’ve done a decent job of fitting in the near perfect amount of all of the things on the top of my “to love” list. 🙂
3. Luck
I’ve never really considered myself in the lucky category – I’m the girl at a conference that raises her hand when the presenter asks “Is there any one who did NOT have their ticket pulled for a prize today?”. But in the grand scheme of things – OMG – I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I have way more than a few blank sheets of paper, that’s for sure (and not because I’m a school supply hoarder) – and a loving, supportive, patient, providing husband tops that list. He just has a way of FINDING a way to make me realize that it WILL be okay when I can’t find the balance, or when the luck isn’t in front of my face, or when I can’t come up with one thing to laugh about.
4. Home<3
I’ve learned this year that there are many different definitions of home and that that fact is okay. I’ve broken heartedly missed my Penn State home this year more and more with each news article. . . . I have been more homesick being away from my family and friends in Altoona than I ever IMAGINED I could possibly be. I knew home was pretty flippin’ awesome when I was there, I did, but I didn’t realize what it would take out of me each and every time I back out of my parents’ driveway to head back to Ohio, away from 28 years of home<3 But I’ve also realized that I have started another chapter of home with Ryan in North Royalton. The other home chapters don’t get forgotten or get thrown in the trash or even get put back on the shelf to collect dust, it’s just time to turn the page and write a new chapter. I know that I can, and WILL, go back and reread however often I’d like. 🙂
5. New!
I have NEVER been one to be comfortable with trying, doing, eating, wearing, playing, watching, or going to new things/places. Well, the cold, hard fact is, I wouldn’t have found some of my newly favorite things/places if I didn’t get out my box, open my mind, and try something new. I set a goal for myself to learn to cook, and our odd, eating late schedule doesn’t allow me to do that solo too much other than crockpot style on the weekend, but I do enjoying finding new recipes to try and make alongside my husband. There is so much newness in my life right now that it’s almost overwhelming for my Type A, I have a category called “gym jackets” in my closet, personality, but I’m learning to be okay with that. Does it all still make me nervous and a little uneasy? – YUP, but I’ll find the way to get a few new things here and there to stay up in this balancing act of mine. 😉
Hopefully you can relate, or maybe I’m just crazy – either way – HAPPY 10 Months to my wonderful husband, and thank you. Just, thank you. <3
Have a great hump day, y’all! 🙂