Good morning!! Holy moly. WHAT A MONTH!! I wanted to stop the craziness just for a few minutes to blog, not only because I forget how much I enjoying to write and post new entries, but also because I wanted to let you all know that I’m still alive. (NO idea how Babbling Abby, Mrs. Carroll, and Mrs. Lemons keep up with their frikken fantabulous blogs. SO glad and thankful that they do…but SRSLY no. i. dea. Cheers to them 🙂 ) Anyyyyhow – I have survived “crazy time” and although I don’t think crazy time is quite done yet – I can see the light at the end of the crazy tunnel for sure.
On a NORMAL back to school year, I always verbalize “if I can just make it to October, it will be okay”. October is when I can get into my car and drive to work without butterflies. October is when my routines – from beginning to end – are established and I know what’s coming up next without my notebook or lesson plan. October is when I don’t have to explain “this is how we take a bathroom break in my class”. October is when kids’ dismissal routines stay the same, and I can put down the Vis-a-vis. This year, I have repeatedlyyy verbalized “come onnnnn October” as it has been totally the opposite of a “normal” back to school year with a side of a new grade, a new building, new routines, new team, new expectations, new gym/classes and oh, a new house to set up simultaneously 🙂
Unless you are a teacher, live with a teacher, have an offspring that’s a teacher, or are close friends with a teacher, I know you don’t quite “get it”. I know you are saying to yourself – but you just had 3 months off. (as my blood boils, I won’t even go there) You might THINK you know how insanely chaotic and busy a teacher is going back to school, but believe me, you don’t know the tenth of it. I can’t explain that level of crazy that September brings. Or the amount of to-do lists I burn through. (My monthly “August” to-do pad is now GONE!) Or the gallons of coffee that are necessary for every day functions (however this year I couldn’t even handle getting in the car correctly at one point). But I do know this. My dear husband – who lives with me, who wipes my tears at the end of the crazy days of September, who says “sure babe” when I express in panic “I don’t have an easel! Can I buy this one I found on Amazon?” (and “can you build it for me?”)…….my parents – who housed my 32879 teacher bags/boxes/sweat.and.tears for 27 years and who stepped in excess laminate for months upon months at a time in the fall….and all of my dear teacher friends – who live it, who are living it RIGHT NOW with me! – – – I know that you all can appreciate and understand the craziness of a teacher’s “September”. October IS around the corner 🙂 Things will settle. And then coffee will start kicking in and doing its job again! Besides – I’m NEVER ever one to wish summer weather away, however being on the 2nd floor, with 27 kids, with a wall of windows, in 90 degree weather, WITH NO AIR CONDITION, bring it on, October. Bring it on 🙂 65 degree high on Saturday? I’ll take it!!!
My point? I’ve been going a million miles a minute, non-stop, since I was called for my interview at Hinckley in July. Has it been all worth it? ABSOLUTELY. Am I tired? Beyond belief. Still adjusting? You bet. But am I still standing? Yep. It’s all good.. Besides – even though I’ve only sat on my couch twice so far in the 2 weeks we’ve been in our house, I’ve got THIS to come home to every single night 🙂
With the help of family and friends we have successfully moved into and have begun to be and feel settled in our new home!! We need a few more furniture pieces to finish off the first floor, but overall, we’re in great shape:) We’re having a tailgate party at our house in about a month’s time, so hopefully we can tie our loose ends before then!
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totally in love with our house 🙂 |
I’m SO looking forward to this weekend, too, because we have nowhere to go and NO BOXES TO MOVE!! I may actually sit on the couch this weekend! (with my laptop and lesson plans…but still!)
And in case you didn’t know – FoOtBaLL season is back! 🙂 YAY! Mom and Dad took us to the (emotionally overwhelming) Penn State game this past weekend..
We were in the TOP row at Beaver Stadium. The seats alone took my breath right away. Instant tears. When the Blue Band came out? Forget it. Alma mater? Emotional mess. Being with my Penn State family the first weekend of football season was EXACTLY where I needed to be. The to-do list could – and did – wait 🙂
Talk about emotions – Matt McGloin’s parents were passing these out at the bus arrival before game time..
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photo courtesy of mbrad <3 |
And if you don’t understand that? Or appreciate it? Or know who Matt McGloin is? I’ve got a comment or 2, but I’ll keep it to myself this time 🙂 We are. FTG <3 Penn State Forever 🙂
One last quick shout out – I feel like 5478 of our friends are expecting new babies!!! So YAYYY for you 🙂 🙂
I plan to blog a bit more this weekend – just wanted to check in and let you all know I survived the last weeks! I’m also working on building a new website/blog for my kiddos – more to come on that!
Hope you all have a great day – smile – and don’t forget to hit your pause button every once in a while too – even if it means setting your alarm an hour earlier to fit it in:) Happy Thursday!