So I’ve realized that my back to school pile of goodies that I’ve bought or made or found or pinned or organized is getting larger by the day, so I wanted to share my top 10 favorites with you! In no particular order, here are 10 of my favorite things that are helping to get my summer lovin’ patootie back into gear!
1. Chevron Calendars 🙂
One of my favorite back to school to-dos is ALWAYS to get my calendars {yes, plural} in check . . . from filling in the “no school”s to filling in and getting pumped about Penn State football game dates, to marking down when my seester becomes a RoSe?!? (and, of course, to skipping right over my 30th birthday), calendar prep was a whole lot cuter this year with these caauutteeee calendar freebies from my favorite 2nd grade blogger, Amy Lemons. 🙂
2. My planner 🙂 I heart Target.
My classroom (and life) are about to be taken over by chevron and polka dots this year. I’m obsessed. . . and in love. #itsfine
3. Oh heyyy bargains at Michaels 🙂
So I went into Michaels to look for birthday certificates (my fave were sold out at the teacher store), and I left with no birthday certificates BUT look at all of the adorable bargains I found. Apparently, my classroom is also about to be taken over by teal organizational tools! I couldn’t pass up those note cards, either! It never hurts to have a backup pack – or 4 – of note cards on hand!!!
4. My favorite pens 🙂
These dudes have been getting a workout in a half this last week! I’ve never ever been a gel pen fan, and this is no exception. I love this 1.4 ball point from Papermate! 🙂 Target even has an 8 pack of coloreddd ones. love.
5. New and improved sticker box 🙂
So my stickers have been exploding out of my current sticker box for at least 3 years now . . . Thank you, Hobby Lobby for solving my sticker explosion issues. I’m not a fan of red . . . at all . . . but it’s allowed to sneak its way into my classroom every once in a while!
6 . Target Dollar Spot rocks my world and my wallet every single time . . .
These are just a few of my favorite Dollar Spot finds this summer! Target is literally next door to my gym. I go to the gym a lot. I cannot leave the gym without stopping at Target on most days. #imgladmyhusbandlovesme
7. New Calendar!
Welp, after 7 years of teaching, I’m retiring my yellow and blue calendar set . . . here’s what’s to expect to see being hung in my room veryyyy soon! 🙂
8. New borders . . .shockingly polka dotted 🙂
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I heart polka dots 🙂 and new school supplies 🙂 and polka dots 🙂 and CTP. 🙂 That is all.
9. Shhhh – We’re passing a test!
Check out this sign for my classroom door I made! Gotta love free clipart and backgrounds. I’ve moved from a VERY quiet, 2nd floor classroom that I was in last year to a HEAVILY trafficked hallway this year, soooo I’m thinking I better doubly laminate this puppy – it’s about to get a workout. Did I mention I heart chevron??
10. Bloglovin’
This new site/app(fabbb on the ipad) is SUCH a time saver to checkout the latest posts by all of your favorite bloggers all in one place! I can very easily spend hours hopping from blog to blog to see what all of my favorite bloggers have posted today, but now, I just have to head to Bloglovin’ to see a feed of my favorite bloggers’ updates all in one place! Head on over to Bloglovin‘ and follow this little ol’ blog of mine AND, way more interestingly, all of your favorite blogs, too!
Oh and this just in – my classroom is clean . . . I’m officially allowed in to start setting up 🙂 I had plans all morning, so I only got an hour of dropping things off slash starting to organize the endless piles of boxes that need unpacked . . .but I’m pumped 🙂 🙂
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So glad you could use those calendars! Just saw your classroom on Instagram and it is super cute!!!
omygoodness THANK YOU!! 🙂 (I'm more than a little bit starstruck at the moment!! :))- I can't even begin tell you how much I adore you, your blog, your products, your baby girl!, everything!! 🙂 Thank YOU for everything you do to help inspire teachers like me every single day!