With February FRONT AND CENTER, I thought I’d share a new idea that I had this year for teaching, publishing, and bulletin boarding our opinion writing pieces!
My kiddos usually LOVE sharing their opinions with me, so I KNEW I could get them excited about writing when they got to WRITE about those opinions that they had to share! I also wanted this to be something that I could turn into a February bulletin board to share their little 2nd grade minds and opinions with the rest of the hallway!
So what I came up with looks like this . . .
The kiddos got to write a review for their favorite book, movie or song. They pre-wrote their opinions and reasons to support their opinions and then drafted on a separate piece of paper. Then, when it was publish worthy, they got to write their final copy of their book, movie, or song review on this fun and *love*ly paper! They LOVED it!! They could hardly wait to get to the publishing part, but I made sure they knew that their opinion writing needed to be publish worthy before theirs was mounted! (this slowed their pencils down a littttle bit – in a good way and for good reason!)
Here is what our bulletin board now looks like with their opinion writing pieces mounted on some colored paper:
And just like that – CHECK! – February bulletin board is done, cute?!, and common core aligned. And – because I’m watching the Big Bang Theory right now – Bazinga! 🙂
If you’re working on opinion writing in your class and would like to publish your students’ pieces for a February or Valentine’s Day display, check out my I’m Lovin’ It Opinion Writing pack in my store! You can click HERE or click the image below!
Thanks for linking up!! This is super cute. That is a great bulletin board. They always love fun paper!!