I’m taking you on a tour around my classroom starting in the door and to the right! 🙂 Here is where we keep our clip boards, my teacher markers, and math books! 🙂 The labels are from my Classroom Labels Bundle!
Here’s where our mini lessons and class meetings happen! I LOVE starting our lessons together on the carpet! It sets their mindset for learning and is a great routine for each part of the day!
Rug: Education Essentials
Easel: Really Good Stuff
Bookshelves: Big Lots
Book bins: Target a few years ago
white drawers: Target!
Mailboxes: Really Good Stuff!
I kind of love my word wall! The border is stapled to a tack strip, and then each letter has a streamer hanging from it (from Hobby Lobby) that I attach our words to as we learn them. I attached them with double sided tape, and removed them rather easily at the end of the school year! 🙂 The hanging poms are also from Hobby Lobby in the party aisle! Also, the paper plates are from Walmart! I mod-podged giant letters in KG Second Chances Sketch for the title! 🙂
Turning the corner, here are our mailboxes from Really Good Stuff!
We have a pencil cup with “sharpen please” – and one with “ready to write!” The kiddos put all lost pencils in the proper cup at any time of the day and then the pencil sharpener helpers fill up the Ready to Write bin at the end of the day with freshly sharpened pencils! 🙂
Pencil cups: Target
Labels: Classroom Supply Labels – Brick Brights
Reading tray and in bin baskets: Really Good Stuff
Learning in Wonderland is one of my favoriteeeeee fellow Melonheadz addicts and I just LOVEEEEE her target headers for my learning target board!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! 🙂
I love love love my desk this year!! All I did was use chevron contact paper for the background, KG Wake Me Up font for the 2nd grade and MTF Jumpin’ Jack for the “Rocks” annnnd clip art that I printed poster size by Melonheadz and Ashley Hughes! OBSESSED!
Here’s a view of the front of the room!
I’ve got a place for allllll of the papers that come my way during the day! NONE of them end up on my desk . . . I can’t TAKE IT!! You can read all about my organization trays and systems for filing papers {HERE}!
Baskets are from Really Good Stuff and
Drawers are from Target
A row full of filled and labeled binders just makes. me. smile.
A dear family friend of mine surprised me with this FABULOUS wreath that she got for me to use in my classroom, and I have to say that I found the perfect spot for it!! She got it a local shop that has all kinds of unique holiday decor all year long and I just love it! 🙂
Calendar set: Creative Teaching Press
Place Value Pocket Chart – not sure, I’ve had it for 10 years!
Schedule Cards : FREEBIE IN MY STORE!
Color Pencils: Rachel Lamb!!
Lanterns: Hobby Lobby and Target
A lot of you have asked to see my Reading Focus Wall! I have Focus Wall card sets in my store for all 6 units of Reading Wonders skills, strategies, and HFW/Vocab words for {first grade} and {second grade!} You can see that I add anchor charts and posters to it as we go! I’ve got a little Katie King love going on in this picture for the word endings and some more Rachel Lamb with the genre posters above!! 🙂
I love community supplies! They’re labeled with my Classroom Supply Labels – Brick Brights set!
LOVEEEE my show what you know – EASYYY – quick assessment board from Mrs. Heeren’s Happenings! And oh, Amy Groesbeck, I love everything you make!! {job love!!} I’m using calendar numbers (the apples) to move the kids’ numbers to the job that they are hired for!
And here we are back to the door! The kids move their number to their lunch count each morning. My lunch count set along with 5 additional styles are available {HERE} in my store!
Our specials (encore) schedule is pictured above!
Lunch count/lunch money/lunch money and some Penn State love to welcome you into our classroom! The sign – This classroom runs on… – and MANY others can be found HERE!
Annnnd out into the hallway we go! Here’s my hallway bulletin board!
Composition Books: Ashley Hughes
Kids/pencil: Melonheadz – all clip art was printed poster size onto 4 pieces of paper and I taped them together!
Lanterns: Hobby Lobby
Chevron Border: Creative Teaching Press
These are hanging above the kids’ lockers in the hallway! I just added their names to a composition book clipart by Ashley Hughes and hot glued a clothespin to the bottom! I change out their kid work each month to liven up the hallway! 🙂
Annnnd Chevron nameplates from Creative Teaching Press to label their lockers 🙂
I’m just in LOVE with my classroom space, to be honest. I spend entirely too much time at school, so at the very least, I need to love what’s surrounding me, right?!?
Here are just a few more looks at my 2014-2015 classroom!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the tour! Head over to the Extreme Makeover Classroom Edition Linky with The Primary Gal to see so many of my other bloggy pals’ classroom reveals, too! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!!
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I am a PENN STATER too! Finally found someone in PA!
You are so organized and I just love your room! I've got so many ideas for mine now!
If there is ever a PA blogger meetup let me know! 🙂
<3 Melissa
Ashley, LOVE your room! Especially love your Focus Wall! I need to get mine in shape! It's there…but I just haven't decided what I want up there! hah 🙂 Your kids are lucky to have you!!!
Nicole 🙂
All Things Apple in 2nd
I love your room! We are twinning on the calendar, and your word wall is GENIUS! I am going to show my friend that idea! She doesn't have a big bulletin board, so this will be perfect! I just finished my classroom reveal post last night…tis the season!
One Sharp Bunch
Love your classroom! I really like your word wall and was wondering if you could tell me or give me a list of the words you use for the NO EXCUSE words. I copied some of them put the glare on the picture hides some of the words. Thanks I would greatly appreciate it. I love your blog and read it regularly. Great Job!!!!
Thanks Cristal! Email me at schroedershenanigansin2nd@gmail.com and I can send them to you 🙂
TIS the season for SURE! and YAY I'm so glad I could help with the word wall idea!! <3 #twinningbloggypals
Aw thanks girlie!!! 🙂
Yay for fellow Penn Staters 🙂 Although, I LIVE in Ohio. boo. haha
Love your outside bulletin board, so cute!
I like your teacher desk! How did you print the clip art poster size? Did you have to print it Staples or somewhere like that?
Ahhh thanks Amy!!! 🙂 🙂 Your comment means so much to me!! <3
I just printed it "poster" in print settings. I just printed it onto 4 different sheets of paper that I taped and then laminated together 🙂
Your classroom looks great! I especially LOVE your desk!!! Wonderful!!! Looks like you are a fan of color just like me!
Keep Calm and Love First Grade
Hey, Ashley!
Thanks for the shout out! Just saw this post. 🙂 Your blog is looking CUTE! I hadn't seen your new design! Hope you have a great summer!
Mrs. Heeren's Happenings
Hi how did you make your display headings such as "targets"? I love how colourful they are and the font used. x