Happy Wednesday, friends! It’s time for my favorite wordless Wednesday link up with my sweet sweet friend MISS DECARBO!! <3
Ok – so I posted a picture of my teacher desk – which you can read more about how I did it and where I got the goodies for it {HERE} – this week on Instagram, and I was surprised to hear that some of you don’t have a teacher desk!! I mean – I know we are never at it – we TEACH all day, but goodness I need a pretty area to call my own at school! π Plus – what else would I hang giant Melonheadz all over?! SOOOO I ask you this week . . . .
Comment below and then head over the Miss DeCarbo’s blog to link up with us!! π
We never used to have desks in the younger classrooms but since I moved down to teach at that end of the school we all have desks now! I struggle to keep it tidy but couldn't be without it!
Growing Little Learners
I have a desk, but I never use it! It's mainly a (giant) magnetic board for our bucket filler cups and where I sit/stand to check my email! π Oh, and where I stack laminating that needs to be cut out haha.
A Sunny Day in First Grade
I got rid of mine two years ago and never looked back. I have a rolling cart I keep things in and I used my guided reading table as well. My teacher toolboxes keep things in sight. I hid things in drawers. I love your melon headz. I did the same last year, but since I had no desk I put them all over my wall!! π
Just a Primary Girl
I have a desk that I don't sit at until the kids go home. Its in a corner of the room near my closet. I need a place to keep my things that are not accessible to the kids and my computer is on it also.
I am planning to get rid of mine this year so, I have been checking out other teacher's blogs to see how they did it. I am excited to have more space in my room.
I am planning to get rid of mine this year so, I have been checking out how other teachers have done it.
I haven't had one in 6 years. Unfortunately the new school I am going to has them and I am extremely bummed about it.
No, I don't! It was the first thing I got rid of last year. I wanted the extra space more than the desk that I knew would just become a dumping ground. My guided reading table serves double duty as my teacher desk :)!
Thanks for sharing!
Miss Peluso's Kindergarten
Girl, you know that I need my teacher desk. I hardly get to sit at mine but can't imagine not having that space to put everything down that isn't in the "kids' space". Plus, our teacher desks are built into the wall so I wouldn't be able to eliminate it if I wanted to. By the way, your desk is absolutely adorable!
Your desk is so adorable! I was thinking of cutting some vinyl out to put on mine. My desk is very small and teal. I brought it from home actually. It's one of the first things other teachers comment on when they come in, because they don't know how I can work on something so small.
I got rid of my desk 2 years ago and love all the space it gave my kiddos! I had a huge desk (it was about 6 years old) and it was just too big for my room. My guided reading table doubles as a desk (I use the heating/cooling register behind me as a shelf).
A Very Curious Class
Nope- no desk- just a rainbow table that doubles as my desk when needed. I second everything that has been said above- it becomes a dumping ground, it takes up space, and i couldn't keep track of all my things in the drawers- I am excited about my teacher toolbox and my new rolling cart with drawers!!