Friends. I can’t even tell you how “SAY WHAT?” I was {and still am} to see that I’ve reached 2000 followers on TPT?!?!? I cannot tell you how humbled I am – how unbelievably grateful and thankful I feel – and how BLESSED I am to have been on this blogging and TPT journey alongside you all for the last 11 months.
And then there is my super sweet and helpful friend Stephanie from 3rd Grade Thoughts. Last summer, I was in DESPERATE need of a revamp of how my math block was structured. I needed fresh ideas and a new math workshop set up so that I could better meet my kiddos’ needs in math, PLUS allowing them to have more opportunity for hands on learning as well opportunity for small group time with ME! Well – it was Stephanie and her MATH ROTATIONS blog series to the rescue. The girl was speaking my language and her posts were filllllled with every answer to every question I may have had about setting up math rotations in my classroom! I’ll never forget the day I emailed her to tell her that my principal was SO complimentary of my math rotations structure and set up following a formal observation. I just HAD to tell her and THANK HER for inspiring me and for sharing her thoughts with all of us. 🙂 🙂 Her products are FABULOUS, too! I have so many of her resources that I use with my higher level 2nd graders, and they are so fantastic. Check out these Bloom’s Brochures for Fiction that she is donating for you to WIN in this giveaway!
So this year, Emily, my best friend in the world – the BEST 1st grade teacher that there ever was – has joined the TPT and blogging world with me!! Check out her new blog, Polka Dots Please, to take a peek at her fabulousness. She has inspired me CONSTANTLY from the moment that we joined 1st grade teaching teams in 2007, and we’ve been dressing like Thing 1 and Thing 2 and finishing each others’ sentences ever since. She is SO ridiculously talented and is ALWAYS giving me new ideas – not to mention she is the best friend anyone could EVER wish for. <3
Emily’s giving away her Common Core Calendar Companion! Hellllo effective calendar time!!! You will LOVE this set and you can WIN it by entering below. It’s a must have in the primary classroom!!
Y’all. Do you know Angie?! Angie – Lucky Little Learners, queeeeeen of interactive notebooks, Angie?!?!?!?! SHE IS CRAZY AMOUNTS OF TALENTED and I absolutely LOVED getting to meet and room with her in Vegas this summer. She is MEEEE in Minnesota! Don’t you just love finding your twin?!?! I adore Angie. Her work ethic, ideas, blogging talent, and productivity are CRAZY amounts of awesome and I just LOVE HER!! <3 #bloggingbesties If you haven’t tried her Interactive Notebooks yet, you MUST!!! She’s giving away a set of her Place Value IN but you can take a closer look at her Interactive Notebook Expertise HERE on her blog series allll about it!
And I can’t forget the #katiekingfanclub of which I’m president. Katie King at Queen of the First Grade Jungle just makes. me. smile. From her crazy talents, to her AWESOME ideas, to the hardcore fitness and nutrition motivation with which she has provided me, – and COUNTLESS others – I’m forever thankful that she is a part of my {bloggy} life!! She’s so darn sweet, and her work is OUT OF THIS WORLD. If you teach K-2, and you DON’T own one of her Busy Teacher packs?!?, you MUSTTTT check them out in her TPT store! ANNND she’s giving away one of my favorite packs . . . Convention Camp!!
Ok. Allow me to invite you to be part of my addiction.
Mel. D. Need I say more?!?! I know that I don’t. BUT I WILL!!
Mel D from Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations is one of the hardest working, funniest, most knowledgeable and down-to-earth people you’d EVER want to meet!!! She is just fantastic, her blog is like no other – filled with endless amounts of inspiration that she shares, and I just LOVE how she tells it JUST like it is. Who DOESN’T love someone like that?!? Mel-D feedback makes my heart smile for days. When THE Mel-D leaves feedback on something I made?!? WHAT?!? Love love love . . . . .
Confession: Mel-D and I shared a flight from Chicago to Las Vegas this summer, and I was FAR too star struck to say hello or to introduce myself then before we OFFICALLLLLY met at her Advanced Pinterest session at the TPT conference later that week! When we DID finally meet at her session, . . . .
…. EEEEK <3 . . . She could NOT have been sweeter!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Mel-D – and she has donated one of her fabulous creations to this giveaway, too!!
These incredibly talented ladies have brought SO much inspiration to my life, and I couldn’t be more thankful that they’re a part of my journey, and am SO humbled and grateful that they all agreed to be a part of my celebratory giveaway, too!! <3 THANK YOU ALL from the bottom of my thankfully humbled heart for being YOU and for helping and inspiring me in all the ways that you have! 🙂 🙂
From me . . . .you’ve got a bit of a shopping spree from my TPT shop!!
Ready to enter?!?!? Do you have a bag big enough to fit this bundle of goodness?!?!?!? Entering to win is SO easy!! Enter using the Rafflecopter below and by leaving a comment on this post telling me who inspires YOU?!? I can’t wait to hear your inspirations!
THANK YOU ALL for sharing this journey with me and for celebrating with me this week during this giveaway!! The giveaway runs until Sunday night at midnight, and I will announce the winner on my blog Monday morning the 22nd!! 🙂 🙂 GOOD LUCK sweet friends of mine!! 🙂
I am inspired every day by my students. They work hard and love to learn new things. It is a joy to see them work together every day. Thanks for the opportunity.
My co-workers inspire everyday with their ideas, support, and guidance. They always make sure we are on the same page, and on days when I feel like all is lost – they reel me back in
I am inspired by my family, my husband, my co-workers and my students! Without all these people life would not be as great and I would not be the person I am today! They inspire me to keep going.
I am inspired by my students daily. By their excitement and growth they make all year. I am inspired by all the teachers I know in person and on line. We are a huge community creating a love for learning in our students.
I have been giddy with anticipation while I waited to read this post and it was all that I expected and MORE! Can I just say that YOU inspire ME on a daily basis! Your work ethic, ambition, work out routine, and dedication is soooo admirable! Your sweet words about me did bring me to tears this morning (back to the bathroom for more mascara)! 🙂 Seriously, Ashley, I am so glad that we met and our paths have crossed! I am so happy for you! Love ya!
Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners
Annnnnd now I'm crying. SOOOO glad we've crossed paths, friend 🙂 🙂 You are such an inspiration to me!! So glad my post was worth the anticipated wait! <3 Love you!!
My husband inspires me most. He is so giving of his time to the kids, the house, his college, his work… Where does he find the time? This on top of a grueling work schedule (flying everywhere). That's why I married him :0 xxoo.
I'm inspired by all the creative teacher bloggers that spend time creating products for us, less creative teachers out there (especially me!).
TPT & MY FF inspire me to be a better teacher! My mommy inspires me to be a better mom. And my hubby keeps me grounded by reminding me each & every day…of what is truely important in life! Wendy 1stgradefireworks
There are so many people who inspire me! Originally Amy Lemons was my first inspiration! Now I have a team of bloggy friends who keep me motivated: Lauren from A Teachable Teacher, Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools, The girls at For His Glory, & Aris from Sailing into Second. I could go on and on about this wonderful community of teachers just like you 🙂
I'm inspired by the shared loved and compassion for the children we work of our school staff. Everyone from our amazing principal to yard supervisor to our custodians truly love the children. The children also inspire me with their dedication, perseverance and with their love for all of us. It's like a big family! 🙂
Congratulations on these 2,000!! 😀 Teacher bloggers are definitely my main inspiration… you are all just amazing!!! Even when I think I can't anymore, a quick visit makes everything better. Thank you!
Honestly, I am most inspired by my students. They come from hard backgrounds and extreme poverty. They push me to find the best resources (many created by you and others who have donated to your giveaway). Thank you for all you do!
Amy Lemons was one of my first obsessions also! She is just plain FAB. Love her! Your hashtag for Katie made me giggle….athough I may be the head of the #ashleyschroederfanclub. Just saying 🙂 I am SO thankful for all of your hard work, and am oh so happy for you reaching this milestone! Congrats, girl!
So many people inspire me…my colleagues and this online teaching community for sure. But mostly, my students!! 🙂
Carisa from 1+1+1=1 was my first inspiration! She is an amazingly talented and generous lady who homeschool her kids and shares free resources in her blog that I used often. Congratulations on reaching your milestone!
I am inspired by many, my students, coworkers, and teachers I follow online. All inspire me in many different ways!! Congrats on the milestone! I hope one day I am reaching a similar one!!!!
Well lets see, you have listed some amazing gals that are the top of my following list in blogging/tpt/facebook world and of course your amazing work which were some of the products that I finally dove in and started buying – yep you were the first purchases I made (other than clipart) for my classroom. The other top of my list of other amazing women out there whose products I love and love learning from are Leigh at The Applicious Teacher, Katie at Teacher to the Core and Maria at Kinder-Craze. But they are not the only ones there, it amazes me on a daily basis how many wonderful teachers are out there willing to share their teaching journeys (both good and bad) allowing us to learn from them and that they sharing their knowledge. For a newbie to the profession like myself it has been invaluable to say the least! Thank you 🙂
The Almost Their Height Teacher
I am in complete awe of how you manage all of these amazing ideas, blog, teach daily and maintain your sanity. YOU inspire me to be more. WOW. Just wow!
I am inspired by my WBT mentor – Nancy. She is also the WBT certification director and she has a class of 30 – yes, 30 second graders. She is amazing!!
My sons, my students, and my mom and dad!
God. He never gives up on us and strives to help us grow each day just as we should our students!
I am inspired by teachers who are truly dedicated to their career, and don't just see it as a job! Many of the individuals I work with inspire me daily!
I was turned on to TPT almost 2 years ago and have since found so many bloggers/blogs that I turn to for inspiration. My teaching has changed a LOT! Thanks so much for all you do!!
I don't think I can pick just one! If I had to, Halle from Across the Hall in 2nd always inspires me- she's a fabulous teacher.
My mom inspires me! She is such a hard worker and I love having her come into my classroom to give me tips and ideas. 🙂
I never really had a great mentor teacher during methods or student teaching. I've learned everything I know about teaching from trial and error. This is my third year teaching, and I've never felt more prepared. I have STALKED you, amy lemons at step into second, mrs. Olson at lucky little learners, and mrs. King at the queen of the first grade jungle. I can honestly say I've learned more from you 4 this past year, than I did during college and my first two years teaching combined. I strated interactive notebooks this year because of you all and I am absolutely LOVING them. All of you are truly an inspiration to me. I am so thankful to have stumbled upon your tpt stores and blogs, they have made me into the great teacher I finally belive I am!! I am actually now interested in blogging just because all of my teacher idols do it!!!
Thank you for all of your blog posts, Instagram posts and Facebook posts! I love following you. I'm inspired by my husband and family. They are the ones that encourage me to be the best teachers I can be. They are the ones that remind me about all of my successes and help me get through the stresses of RTI, APPR, CSEs, paperwork, etc. I don't know what I would do without them!
Thank you to all those wonderful teachers on tpt who share their talents! I appreciate all those teachers for inspiring me to be more creative!
I am inspired by people like you and hope to be at the same place you are one day. 2000 followers, wow!
I'm most inspired by my colleague and friend, Dianna. She is a constant source of good ideas, encouragement, funny stories, common sense ideas, brilliant out of the box thinking–she has enriched my teaching life in so many ways!
I am mostly inspired by my students and great teachers like you! As a beginning teacher all of the bloggers and teachers on teacherspayteachers have helped me soooo much with their insight and expertise!! Thank you! 🙂
I am inspired by bloggers/TPT sellers who are able to teach, blog, create products, and keep their own households running! It lets me know that it is possible, and I can juggle it all with the right tools and support system. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
I am mostly inspired by my students, I am also inspired by other teachers!
I am inspired by all the amazing teachers that I have connected with through bloggers and IG!! Truly helps me feel grounded on those crazy days and to have people who just "get it" makes it so much easier!!
I am inspired by all of the teacher bloggers! Ya'll are amazing and I am thankful everyday that ya'll are willing to share your knowledge and creative talents with us. Thank you and congrats on 2,000 followers!
My teammates inspire me to do better at school and my mother inspires me in life! She is the best role model that I could have 🙂
I am inspired by Miss Cara Carroll. Hers was the first blog I ever read. Fellow mommy/teachers inspire me that we ccan love 20 students and then go home to love our own.
Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway. Congrats on so many followers. 🙂
My sweet husband inspires me. He always has such a positive attitude towards everything. I wish I could do the same.
Congratulations! I am inspired by my own children are constantly an inspiration. When I became a mom, I became a better teacher
And oh my goodness I can't believe I forgot Jessica Williams at the teacher talk!
Congrats on this exciting milestone! I am inspired by the teacher I student taught with. She was so full of energy and excited to come to work each day.
We've had a short little discussion about our best friends (who we both happened to have met teaching!) and I must say that my ultimate inspiration is her! Obviously, I am inspired daily by the TPT greats (you included, friend!), but when I sit back and reflect on my teaching career and each and every day, my best friend is my ultimate inspiration.
Congrats to you Ashley on this huge milestone! Here's to many more!
Missing Tooth Grins
My mom inspires me. She was also in education. I am also inspired by all of the TPT teachers who have such amazing products and ideas!
My co-workers and Stephanie from Third Grade Thoughts are huge inspirations! I moved to third grade from middle school last year and they have saved me. Loving your blog too!
My co-workers and Amy from Step into Second Grade are huge inspirations! When I moved to second grade 3 years ago these people truly saved me! I am so inspired by them!
I am always going to my co-workers for inspiration – especially my mentor! On social media, I LOVE seeing snippets of inspiration from teachers like you on Instagram!!! Thank you for sharing your passion!
I am inspired by all the amazing bloggers who take the time to share their ups and downs within the classroom. We are all striving to make ourselves better teachers and seeing their journey makes me accept my journey and deal with the ups and downs of the classroom.
Michelle Scherer
I am inspired by a new teammate. It's always great to get a set of fresh eyes and great ideas! I'm so thankful we picked her!
There are so many people who are such an inspiration to me! I love meeting new bloggers and connecting in the digital world! It was amazing to meet you, Angie, Kristen, Marcy, Courtney, Catherine and Molly in Vegas this summer too! You all are my inspiration, and I love stalking, I mean checking out each of your stores!! My inspiration comes from my teaching bestie, as she is an amazing teacher who wants nothing more than for her students to forget her and remember Christ. Congrats again on your HUGE milestone!! You deserve it!!
Mrs. 3rd Grade
My mom inspires me…she led such a full life. I teach. Period. And I think I have no time to do anything else.
Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment. I don't know how you ladies balance it all! Your creativity is inspiring!
The creativity of teachers who do all the usual work teachers have to do, plus find the time to blog and create products for other teachers. Not sure how you all find the time. That is an inspiration…
I have numerous people that inspire me. My first year teaching I had an amazing grade partner with a few tough cookies in my first 1st grade classroom ever. She was an amazing teacher. She helped me in tough times and celebrated with me in good times. I was very lost in those first few weeks and was constantly checking in on me to see if I was okay and how things were going. I felt so comfortable going to her to ask those silly question that other people would have looked at me funny for. She made my year an amazing one and I learned so much from her and my class that I would never have learned in college!!
My students inspire me. It's amazing what they go through and still come to school with a smile on their face.
I am so inspired by the colleagues on my team for their personal and professional support. They share and care for our team and are so dedicated to the kids. <3 I am also inspired by our incredible bloggers – too many to name-who create and share their skills.
Congrats on the milestone, Ashley! Your work ethic and drives is amazing! I am inspired by the blogging/TPT community. It inspired me enough that I created my own teaching blog over the summer. I love that I can gain new ideas or feedback at any time. I am constantly reading blogs or staying updated with teachers on Instagram. Growth mindset.
I am inspired by all you lovely blogging ladies out there. I am just beginning this TpT journey and I find it comforting that you are all so talented and successful yet still down to earth and totally relatable. I love seeing all the fresh ideas from everyone!
I just starting blogging this summer and I am so inspired by all the AMAZING things that teachers are doing with their students!! I have been able to get so many FABUOUS ideas from teachers. Thank you for doing this giveaway!!
My students and my desire to be the best teacher I can be!
I am inspired by many people, but the most important person has to be my husband. I have had cancer three times, 15 surgeries, and now have countless illnesses as a result. He has been by my side through the months of chemo and radiation. He attends every doctor visit with me, and I have 8 specialists. No matter how sick I am, he is there as my strength and my inspiration.
I'm inspired by the TPT community! Everyone is so kind and always there if you need advice! 🙂
So many wonderful teachers have inspired me! I sometimes sneak into other classrooms during my prep time just to see my co-workers in action! ALWAYS. INSPIRED. Love teachers!
As a first year teacher, I am inspired by the teachers that have helped and supported me along the way before I was a teacher and continue to support me as I go through this first year. I am blessed to still have relationships with some of my previous teachers (I even student taught with my first grade teacher!) and they inspire me to become more and more like them.
I am inspired by the entire tpt, teacher blogger/ig world! My routine is to collapse on the couch after work everyday and catch up on blogs/tpt/ig. Keeps me motivated!
My parents who are both teachers inspire me. Growing up they showed me what it meant to be a light and to extend God's love to their students. I am blessed to have the opportunity to teach 2nd graders now. My mom, who is also a second grade teacher inspires me to reach every student.
Last year was my first year in the classroom. I was so thankful for teachers like Amy Lemons along with many more who have shared their ideas and have been such wonderful resources!
I am inspired by the instagram, blogging, and TpT community of teachers. They have such a passion for teaching and have given me so many great ideas to use in my own classroom! It is such a great outreach and inspiration to see and hear what all have to say. 🙂
This giveaway looks absolutely amazing! One of the best bundles I've seen! Thank you so much!
Congrats friend! That’s an amazing milestone! I would have to say that my 2nd grade teacher has been my biggest inspiration. She commuted from the big city to the small town I grew up in. I now live in the big city and make the same commute. I grew up very poor, but never felt deprived because she provided some of the most memorable experiences. I can still remember racing ships (made from 2-liter bottles) across the pond at our fort and counting down the days to Christmas with treats. I try to create meaningful experiences for my underprivileged students because I want them to love school just as much as I did.
The Super Sparkly Teacher
I am inspired by my mother who teaches me everyday. She is a wonderful example of what a great wife, mother, believer, daughter, and friend should be. I am thankful to God each day for allowing her to be in my life.
Hey Ashley! Congratulations! Your milestone is so EXCITING! And what a great post! My teaching inspirations are most certainly all of you bloggers and TPT'ers who faithfully blog about what is happening in your classrooms and how you are going about teaching certain things. People joke about counting Pinterest as Professional Learning Credits, but honestly lots of blog posts could count as well. I am constantly referring other teachers to blog posts by all of you awesome teachers who kindly take the time to blog about math or reading or writing or just funny things that happened during the day.
The Age of Inspiration that is upon my life right now, originally began when I stumbled upon TPT through Pinterest. (Both great inventions!) Along the way, I was inspired by Deanna Jump, then Deedee Wills, who directed me to Ashley Hughes, who inspired me to not squish my clipart! I started creating things after that and realized how fun that is! Then, I actually started a blog so that I could feel legit commenting on other people's blogs. 🙂 Now I really like to blog. Fast forward to last December when I found your blog, entered a giveaway, and won! You were so very sweet when we emailed a bit, so I have been a fan of yours since then. You were also very kind last Spring to give me advice about the social media world. I am better at all of that because of you!!
Thank you for inspiring me and lots of other teachers. Your kindness and hard work has not gone unnoticed!! Keep up the great work! Maybe I will be at the next TPT conference so I can meet up with all of you inspirations!!
(Sorry that this was so long. I had lots to say! I even edited it. Maybe I should write a post about it. I kind of did not too long ago.)
Congrats again!
i Heart Second
The Think Aloud Cloud
This comment has been removed by the author.
Since becoming a teacher a few years ago, I have been inspired by so many friends and family giving encouragement. I am overwhelmingly inspired all the time by those teachers that continue to give their dedication each year and muddle through all the political rhetoric that has gotten involved with teaching. In a survey I read awhile back, 40-45% of teachers leave it in the first five years. It is so sad they feel so overwhelmed to leave something that several are called to do because they did not have the best mentors or encouragement. I continue to be inspired by those teachers that have worked for 15, 20 and 25 years and still come to work with a smile and the confidence of working to help children of any age. They always inspire me with their continuous smiles and words of wisdom of what I can do to continue to grow myself as a teacher and all my little students as learners. I commend all of our veteran teachers as they helped build the path for all of us.
I'm inspired by wonderful husband. He encourages me each and every day and is my biggest TPT supporter. 🙂
Congratulations on your HUGE milestone!!!
I am inspired everyday by my beautiful boys! They are all boy, but what a hoot! Congrats on your milestone!
Second Grade is Out of This World!
There are many people who inspire me for different reasons. Educationally, my students and colleagues inspire me. They are the ones who make me think, think, think, and do, do, do. Personally, my husband, mother, and friends inspire me. There are so many reasons why these people in my life inspire me.
I am inspired by my 90 year old mom. She became a widow at age 35 and raised 6 kids. She had the best work ethic and inspires me every day.
Congrats on your milestone!!
I am inspired by my mom who was a full time teacher raising 4 kids, getting her master's degree, and running the primary department at church. As a retired teacher she spent 5 years caring for my dad who just passed away on August 6th after a long battle, yet 52 years of marriage to my mom!
I'm inspired by my father. He passed away a few years ago and never got to see that his baby girl (youngest of 14 children) become a teacher. He only had a 3rd grade education. Back in his 'day' children got the bare minimum of an education so they could work on the farm. He would always preach the importance of an education. He would tell me that it was something that no one could ever take away and that he wished he had one. He would be so proud that I am teaching others how important an education is.
I am inspired by the teachers I work with and the students I teach. I am blessed beyond measure!
My husband inspires me the most! He's my biggest career supporter 🙂
I have to agree with all of your selections! Amy Lemons….c'mon……pure GENIUS! But don't count yourself short! You are a little slice of heaven too! From your cutesy notetaking/planning, fabulous organizational necessities and outstanding units, you have definitely been one of my top stores to shop and read over the last year! Keep it coming lady. <3
My students! 🙂
My students inspire me everyday! 🙂
My co teacher from my first ever year teaching!! She was the most helpful and inspiring person to work with!
Wow! Now THAT is inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
I am so excited for your giveaway!
When I was a student teacher, I stumbled upon Cara Carroll's blog and learned about TPT. I read for hours and hours and really started to understand that teaching is all about incorporating your own creativity into what your students are learning. While teaching Kindergarten for two years, I took so much inspiration from Miss Kindergarten, Maria from Kinder Craze, The Moffatt Girls amazing products, and so many more. When I was told I was moving to second grade, I started pouring over Amy Lemons blog at Step into Second Grade and stumbled upon your blog.
I LOVED your products and the way they were simple enough to print and prep on a Friday afternoon when you needed a quick activity for the next week. I started thinking about creating my own products and writing my own blog, but was so scared of failing or no one being interested in what I had to say!
I stumbled across a post from Michelle at the 3 AM Teacher where she shared her story of getting started and how she was able to bring in extra income to help her family through TPT and I was so inspired by her story that I thought this was an entirely different teacher world that I had to join.
I am still a newbie to this blogging and TPT world, but it is a constant reminder to stay positive and inspire those around me in a positive rather than a negative way! It is a reminder that there are complete strangers out there rooting for me and sharing their ideas for me and my classroom.
I am inspired by your blog and your ideas, and thank you for your hard work and efforts!
Mrs. Hudgens Hears a Who
I am inspired by all the FABULOUS teachers at my school, in my district, and the ones I "meet" online. =)
I am inspired by my two boys. They keep me going daily!! 🙂
I have been teaching for 25 years, and you ALL inspire me! In June, I opened my TPT store an started my blog, and I am ADDICTED! I hope I will celebrate 2000 followers one day. 🙂 Congratulations!
Misha Frander
FRANtastic 2nd Grade
Congratulations on 2,000 followers! What a wonderful milestone that proves how loved and admired you are as well as an inspiration to other teachers. I am inspired to want to be the best teacher I can be for my students by you and the others who are a part of your give away; able to balance teaching, home life, being a successful blogger, and have a thriving TPT store like you ladies. I love getting on IG everyday to see what you all are up to. I want to be like you when I grow up:)
Dia Charley
Glad to be in Grade Three
Wow! 2000 followers! Congratulations! I am inspired by the many amazing bloggers that I follow and my grade level teaching partner.
Congrats! I am inspired by the amazing educators I work with every day!
Congratulations this is a great accomplishment! I am inspired everyday by my students that come to school smiling and laughing. They tell me each day that school is so fun and they love being there. I am also inspired by my own family that encourages and let's ,e be the best I can be!
Every one of those people you mentioned – including you – are an inspiration to me. Every teacher I follow on TpT, Bloglovin, Facebook and Instagram, teachers at my school, my students and more. As teachers I think we find inspiration from everywhere and everyone and we take little pieces of the things that motivate us and keep as going and use them to turn our classrooms into engaging and exciting environments for learning. I love teaching! ~ Lisa
My students inspire me daily to do my best for them
I am inspired by all of the amazing bloggers! I love reading about all of their amazing ideas. It helps to keep me fresh! My husband is also my inspiration. We love bouncing ideas off of each other! P.S. I have been LOVING your video tutorials! Congrats on your milestone!
I am inspired by my two daughters who both have life altering diseases…one with type 1 diabetes the other with very severe aplastic anemia which is a bone marrow failure disease. ..they both have been through so much but have tried to stay so positive and strong …the diabetic is 18 and just started college so she can be a diabetes doctor for children like herself because she says it's easier to understand someone when you have been in their shoes…the 13 year old with VSAA has made a point of staying as active as possible as she is an athlete whose determination to beat this rare 3 in a million disease is so inspiring to everyone. ..I am so proud to call them mine…they have inspired me to live one day at a time and take nothing for granted. …congratulations on your accomplishment….you are an inspiration to all teachers yourself! !!
There are so many people that inspire me! My class – to do the best I can for them. One of my coworkers (all, but this one in particular) – she has endless energy and gets involved with everything when no one else is willing to do it. All the bloggers I read – I want to be just like you…or at least my version of you!
My inspiration is my little brother. Dalton is 13 and has Down Syndrome. He approaches every day with such a bright, new look, a smile on his face and a heart full of love. He has influenced the way I approach everything at school. He also is a tester for many of my TpT products! And if DJ likes it, I know it's a winner!
My inspiration is Mrs. Lange, my second grade teacher. It was in Mrs. Lange's class where I decided to become a second grade teacher. In her class she built up my confidence, inspired me to dream bigger than myself, she motivated me to do my best every day. She's the kind of teacher that made your heart smile. I feel so lucky that I now get to be a second grade teacher and it is my hope that I can inspire my students like she inspired me. I feel grateful that she was in my life because she shaped the course of my life.
I am inspired by my coworkers! Both veterans and the newbies, as well as all the fabulous blogs I follow! you guys are awesome!!
So many people inspire me. My students inspire me to be the best I can be for them. The bloggers I follow inspire me to plan better lessons that will catch my students attention. And my mom inspires me to follow my dreams whatever they may be.
Congratulations on 2000 followers! I am inspired by so many people. I was first inspired by my parents, then my husband, and now by you and the other amazing teacher bloggers!
I am inspired by the many wonderful bloggers that share their ideas and talents with me! :o)
I moved down to 2nd grade this year after most recently teaching 5th grade. I am inspired by all the incredible blogs of 2nd grade teachers. It is impossible for me to imagine how I would have transitioned to 2nd grade without you and all of them!
My two boys inspire me; I want them to have the best education possible, and I know that by giving my school kiddos the very best, I'm building the very best education for ALL of our kiddos.
There's No Place Like Second Grade
My five year old son inspires me constantly, to be the best Mummy possible, to enjoy every day and and to love more and more.
I am inspired by the teachers I work with each and every day. I am inspired by my students and their love for learning. Congratulations on 2000 followers. I am inspired by how hard you must work to teach and post all these great resources.
I was inspired to begin teaching by my 3rd grade teacher. I use blogs of fellow educators or Pinterest to keep my inspired daily for new ideas in my classroom.
There are many people who inspire me. Educationally, my students and colleagues inspire me. They are the ones who make me think and do what i need to do. Also, bloggers inspire me. They give such great ideas and that is beyond helpful! Personally, my mother inspires me.
Congratulations on achieving such an amazing milestone! Wishing you many more great milestones!
There are many people who inspire me. It first starts out at home and stretches outward. First, my husband and children inspire me. They're always letting me pursue my dreams. My parents continuously inspire me! Then, there are the wonderful teacher/bloggers who inspire me. They have taught me so much. They have inspired me to blog, to open up my own TpT store, and to inspire my own students. The teachers at my school, along with my administration team, inspire me. The world news inspires me.
Thank you for all that you do for us. Your creativity and your ideas allows us teachers to be the best for our students.
I am inspired by my coworkers who go above and beyond every day. I love how they are always willing to share their ideas and time or just lend an ear or a shoulder – whatever is needed. I am inspired by many bloggers that share their ideas and open up their classrooms to all of us.
My students inspire me every single day! 🙂 I absolutely love being a teacher to my second grade class. Their energy for learning inspires to plan hard so they have fun learning. While they learn from me, I'm also learning from them:
I teach them what they need to know, they teach me how to become a better educator! 🙂 🙂
A tremendous source of inspiration for me comes from my amazing teammates who inspire me every day to be better. Together we are stronger for our students. Thanks for the chance to win these wonderful products. DebJ
I just turned 20-20 and my greatly inspiration is and always will be my Daddy <3 <3 <3. He is the greatest person that I know =). On the teacher side of things, you definitely rank right up there, Ashley <3. Since I nearly own everything in your store, I guess that is pretty obvious though =D. Thank you for your incredible generosity and for considering me =).
My students! They are in such need to motivation to learn and I try to be that everyday!
Congrats on your milestone!! I am inspired by so many……my co-workers who challenge me and support me. My students who are eager everyday and look to me with great expectations. My family who supports me and puts up with my crazy hours at school and on the computer! And the blogging world and TPT for never-ending ideas!
My students are my little heroes. They cheer me on every day! They deal with a LOT at home. I work in a rougher area where my little second graders are the ones taking care of their brothers and sisters. The come to school hungry most days. They come to school tired from hearing their parents fighting or sad because they can't see their parents when they are in jail. Not all my little ones, but some live like this. It's crazy to think they have dealt with and seen more than myself. Sometimes they come to school in tears, but they always leave smiling. They are my inspiration to put in all those extra teacher hours and to keep smiling!
Nicki 🙂
My mom inspires me! She is the most giving person I know…even when she is sick, broke, or exhausted she is always cooking, helping out, just doing anything that I or my family needs. She never asks for anything in return. She is so selfless and I just love that!
Congrats on the HUGE milestone Ashley!!!
Elyse 🙂
Congratulations! I am inspired by all the incredible bloggers I follow on Bloglovin! I can't believe all the hours they spend coming up with new ideas to keep their teaching (and mine)exciting!
thanks so much for sharing ideas and struggles knowing i am not alone and there are others out there!! thanks for sharing your ideas and giving teachers a place to go and read about successes and struggles . I enjoy your products and incorporating them in my day with my students
I am inspired by all of the creative teachers on TPT including you. My teaching and creating has totally changed since I discovered TPT.
I also lovve Amy Lemons! I used many of her resources last year when I taught 2nd grade. I'm teaching 3rd grade ELA now, so I'm having to find some new inspiration.
I am inspired by the numerous teachers I had in my life who saw this quiet, reserved student and encouraged her to dig a little deeper and to break out of her shell. I am also inspired by all of the bloggers who seem to always know what I am in need of!
Congrats on your 2000 followers!! That's awesome!! I don't know if my comment went through the first time, so I'm going to try this again. My parents and my husband inspire me. They always believe in me, are there for me, are forgiving, and love me unconditionally. I find that those traits transfer over into the classroom. As teachers, we need to be the same–forgiving, loving unconditionally, accepting, and have unbelievable faith in our students.
There are so many amazing teacher bloggers that inspire me daily! Thankful for all of them! I am also inspired by my family, friends, and students! 🙂
I am a first year teacher and I find inspiration from your blog and many others every day! I truly do not know what I would do without it. I have a very behaviorally challenging class. Dealing with the behaviors is a constant struggle. Being able to come here each day for inspiration on what to do academically with my students is such a relief. Thank you for all that you do! It is greatly appreciated.
I am inspired by all those you have listed and ALL the TPT'ers – buyers and sellers – It is so amazing to look and FIND information on and examples of any skill or lesson that you want! It is so inspiring to think that other teachers around the world are using those lessons also! Thank you for blogging and sharing what wonderful things you have created and used.
I am inspired by the teacher I started as an aide with. Now we are teaching 2nd grade together. I am also inspired by all the wonderful bloggers that I follow.
I am inspired by my mom. She came from nothing and she and my father had nothing. Neither one of them benefitted from higher education, but my mom was determined, that on a yearly income (30 + years ago) her three kids would go to college…and we did and all three of us (two of us teachers and another a social worker) went on to graduate from college. She inspires me to remind my students that no matter what they can dream and aspire to be more than they could hope to be if they want to.
You are an amazing inspiration! You inspire me every day to work hard and go that extra mile for my students. Congratulations on your accomplishment!!
I'm inspired by YOU! I follow your instagram and see how hard you are always working and wonder how you do it all! The other fabulous teacher-authors in this giveaway are HUGE inspirations to me as well! As a new teacher it feels very overwhelming throughout the year but I feel as if I would be a lot worse without all these fabulous products. The creativity that you all have is astounding! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to the field of teaching!
I am inspired by my fellow teachers who willingly take the time and effort to help and support new/young teachers. Without them I wouldn't be nearly as successful or happy in my young career. Seeing these teachers in actions gives me something to strive for and live up to everyday.
Congrats on your milestone! You inspire so many teachers all over the world, including me! I'm inspired by the students and hardworking teachers everywhere trying to make a difference!
Congratulations Ashley! I LOVE all your products so this milestone is no surprise! Most of my inspiration comes from my faith, family and friends. AND, wonderful teachers like YOU!
Sister Fister
All the wonderful bloggers I follow inspire me and leave me in awe day after day! I constantly talk to people about the bloggers and the wonderful ideas that they share! Amy is definitely an inspiration professionally and personally! She was one of the first bloggers I followed! Although I just found you, you absolutely inspire me! I am so lucky to have found so many wonderful and inspirational people through blogging!
There are so many people that inspire me!! My coworkers are amazing and all of the wonderful bloggers and TpTers!! I am such a better teacher because they share their ideas!!
My inspiration is my momma! She has worked SO hard to ensure that my sister and I grew up in a great way. She's always been there for me, always pushes through the hard things, makes sure that she is taken care of emotionally and physically, and I aspire to JUST like her someday! If I'm half the momma she is, I'll be happy. Thank you for the awesome giveaway and congratulations on those HUGE numbers!!
Miss V's Busy Bees
As a new teacher still trying to land a perm. position I find it very inspiring to read these blogs and I am very thankful for that. Ashley you have been there to answer any little question I may have and I can't believe how supportive you are of us "little" people. Thank you for allowing my to keep the faith in this profession<3 You are an amazing teacher and I hope I can continue to learn from you for a long time!!
<3 Cassandra
I am inspiredaily by all of the amazing bloggers out there! Whenever I need an idea I go straight to blogs! This is my first year as a second grade teacher and I am so inspired by you, Amy lemons, and Amanda madden! Thank you for all of your help!
Such an amazing giveaway… You are such an inspiration!!
Honestly I don't know how you and all the other teacher bloggers do it. My class keeps me sooooo busy. You guys are SUPER women for real! Inspiration to the max.
I know it's clichéd that a lot of people are inspired by their students… but i am one of those who are inspired by them too… i kust wonder as a teacher … how can we not be? A little bit about my story is that I teach at an under privileged school where children come from all walks of life, broken homes, learning challenges, poverty etc. My kiddos find the excitement and joy to come to school , to the one place they find structure and order. The thing that inspires me the most about them is that look in their eyes as they watch your every move as u guide and facilitate their learning with amazing products that I either make, or purchase from YOU or others from TPT. That shine and excitement in my kiddos for learning to better themselves is what keeps me going at the hardest of times. That look and love from those little people is what inspires and challenges me to be the best teacher that I can be.