Hey all! Happy Labor Day to you and HAPPY 1st day of September! Yup – all things fall, all things pumpkin, and all things APPLE . . . . { field trip to the nearest Apple store anyone?!? } . . . . were allllll over the place today as I was out and about and I have to admit. I kind of loved it.
. . . especially the apple part . . .
But 1st day of September also means . . . CURRENTLY with my fabulous friend Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade!! It’s such a fun linky, so make sure you join us by linking up your post on her blog!
Listening: So as erranding took us to the APPLE store {EEEEEKKKK} for me, they also took us to Best Buy for hubby. He’s playing Madden on the PS4 while I’m transferring files from one Mac to another . . . .
LOVING: Welp I got a newwwww MAC BOOK PRO!! O. EM. GEE. It’s beautiful.
I also bought a shell {Best Buy}, a Kate Spade iPhone case {Apple}, and a chevron sleeve in which to carry my new pride and joy <3 {Best Buy} Love. Love. Love.
THINKING: Aw hell. Before I can actually utilize it for my TPT creations or even lesson planning . . .I’ve gotta transfer my files….and fonts….and clip art….and paper…. oh. my.
WANTING: So while I’m waiting for my files to transfer and copy to and from dropbox and my jump drives….I want to eat. I want to snack. I LOVE to snack. but I can’t. Because I started a new 3 weeks no cheats promise to myself today. And I WILL. NOT. CHEAT. Anyone else a snack-when-you’re-bored kind of girl?!?! grr. I must break the habit. Especially because I’ve found the love for running. I’m getting obsessed with beating my times – but then I just come home and eat junk. SO frustrating. Enough is enough. I digress.
NEEDING: I have so. many. files. so I could realllllly use another 3 day weekend to cuddle up with my new toy whilst transferring my files folders full of file folders onto my new creation station!
Chicago – It’s somewhere I’ve only ever heard fabulous things about and I’ve always wanted to go. 🙂
California – I LOVE the sunshine and have never been able to visit and explore a single part of Cali!
Turks and Caicos – one of my very best friends is getting married their next year and I would MORE than love to be able to go. We. shall. see.
So that’s what I’m currrrrrently up to! allll while currently encouraging my Dropbox sync to hurrrrrry it up so I can get my create on and put these ideas that are currrrrently in my head to paper!!! What are you up to?!?! Head over to Farley’s blog and join us for her fabulous linky party right now!! <3
Happy Monday!
Ugh! I feel your computer pains! My keyboard is broken, so I've resorted to using a traditional keyboard plugged into my USB port. I keep telling myself I'll bring it in when I have a few days to leave it…….. #aintgonnahappen
I LOVE that carrying case. Chevron obsessed! Enjoy the new pro. Eventually I feel I will need to upgrade my air to that.
Turks and Caicos, what a beautiful wedding location! I hope you get to go, what an adventure that would be! 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Mrs. Thomas's Class
Oh, I really hope you get to go to Turks and Caicos! Seems to be very popular with the teacher population! My colleague just got back from her honeymoon there and we live all the way in California! Best of luck with transferring your files and happy labor day!
Hey there-as a native Chicagoan, I officially welcome you to come on by anytime. BUT a word of warning–we eat a LOT here! Eating out and trying new restaurants is just what we DO in Chicago!
Ventaneando: A Window Into First Grade Bilingüe
Love the Macbook Pro. When I got mine I was able to transfer all my files to my new computer all at once. I'm not sure how because someone did it for me. But, you may want to ask the Apple Store if they can help you with that. Enjoy your new computer.
I hope that you are LOVING your new computer! I got one for Christmas and I agree it took FOREVER to move everything over! I'm so thankful that my parents got me an external hard drive for my birthday, but I haven't transferred everything there yet because I know it will take even longer now! Thank you B2S sale and Krista for your amazingness!! I will meet up with you in Cali!! Just let me know what part!! I've never been to Chicago either, but hear amazing things about it, so I'll meet you there too!! Good luck with the 3 weeks no cheats!! I need to start this, but I can't give up my coke yet! The back to school craziness isn't over, and then when it finally settles something else will kick my butt at school!! YIKES!!
Mrs. 3rd Grade
I snack while I'm bored to…sad situation. When I got my new Mac I also had an external hard drive. This thing is magic. Every few days I save my entire computer onto it. It also houses ALL of my background papers (I literally scored on like 70 packs of 12 when they were 99 cents each…I'm crazy I know)… I highly recommend it. It's a bit pricey. But it was the best $90 I've spent in a while. Have fun creating, girl!
Creativity to the Core
I also had to transfer files this summer – from a laptop to a desk top. I used an external hard drive and that way I have copies of all my files in case of a computer crash. Anyway, some of my clipart and TpT files took forever to transfer.I had to actually clean house while I waited….jeez! When I need a snack I usually find something crunchy like popcorn! Have fun with that new computer!
Teachers Are Terrific!