Hey hey all!! My sweet new FABULOUSLY talented bloggy pals from iTeachSecond want to celebrate YOU!! It’s teacher appreciation week and we have come together to throw a fun GIVEAWAY!! You aren’t going to want to miss your chance to win 1 of FOUR $25 gift cards!!
How do you enter, you say?! You want to snag one of these $25 gift cards for yourself?! – one to Target, Starbucks, Amazon or Teachers Pay Teachers. It is EASIER than easy to enter!! Just head on over to iTeachSecond and enter using the rafflecopter that you will find on the post {HERE}. (You can click the image above to jump on over to our collaborative blog to enter, too!) Easy peasy!! The winners will be announced on Sunday May 3!
And we also wanted to show you how WE would find a way to spend those giftcards!!
I would have those gift cards spent in NO time!! Here’s how I would spend them!! . . .
Head on over to our collaborative blog at iTeachSecond NOW to enter!!
Good luck friends!!
I loved reading your wish list! 🙂
Have a great week,
Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!
Lots of ideas for the gift cards!
I love your clip art on your wish list!
Happy Teaching!
Peggy @ Primary Flourish
Love the things that you would buy!! 🙂 For sure agreeing on the coffee for days!!
Mrs. 3rd Grade