Hello everyone! I’m coming at you today to share 5 things I LOVE love LOVE love LOVE and could not live WITHOUT in my classroom, in my business, and in my life.
If you are joining us for the first time for our #2getherwearebetter party – WELCOME! Angie and I come together WITH ALL OF YOU on the 2nd of each month to share and blog about the same topic with the goal to learn from each other and to GROW together as educators – because TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER!
If you’ve missed previous #2getherwearebetter posts, you can get caught up here:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Teachers Pay Teachers has been a beautiful blessing in my life for the last 2 years, and topping the list of reasons why are the PEOPLE that I have been able to connect with, learn from, and get to KNOW AND LOVE! I’m just going to be real with y’all when I tell you that Jess, from The Whimsical Teacher, tops my list of favorite people in my life.
She is SPUNKY, she is REAL, she is TALENTED, she is BRILLIANT beyond words, and she is {I’m glad to say} my dear dear friend. If you are not following Jess on PERISCOPE, you must. Her scopes will be GUARANTEED to give you business tips GALORE, but she is also SO passionate, so enthusiastic, and so much FUN to watch and listen to!! I can hardly WAIT to meet her this summer, and I’m so thankful to have her in my life! You, too, really ought to add some Jess to your life. Stat.
Speaking of PERISCOPE!! Persicope has been an absolute GAME CHANGER for my business and me. I am absolutely LOVING using this authentic platform as a way to talk to, hear from, share with, and CONNECT with my followers and teacher friends! I have such high energy, passion, and enthusiasm for what I do {DO WHAT YOU LOVE}, and I feel like I REALLY get to share that passion and energy with you all in a truly authentically MOTIVATING and INSPIRING way on Periscope!
Are you on Persicope?! One of my absolutely FAVORITE {Periscope inspired} MOMENTS was being interviewed by Sheila Jane alongside my dear friend Jess above, about all things PERSICOPE this past month on Blab!! If you’re a THM, you can check out the replay inside of membership at sheilajaneteaching.com. If you would like to catch me on Periscope at my regularly scheduled scoping time, check me out Tuesday nights at 9 EST on the iteachtvnetwork when I talk about ALL things ORGANIZATION and you’ll see exactly why I LOVE this platform SO much!!
Still not convinced that Periscope is full of GOLD that you must be a part of to better your business and or productivity?! Check out one of my latest Periscopes here:
I. love. Periscope.
AHHH yes – my class seriously LOVES our chants and cheers this year!! I have been using chants and cheers and songs to teach for YEARS now, but THIS year, after visiting RCA, my chants have been stepped up a notch or 5! We put EVERYTHING to a chant! EVERYTHING! And it is in my fab five of favorite things that I just HAD to share with you. I am also working on compiling videos of these chants and cheers to be able to share with you in my shop! {stay tuned!}
Here is one of our chants that we use to remember all of the kinds of NOUNS that we have learned!
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve gotten a bit of a SNEAK PEEK behind one of the absolute BEST projects that I have every been a part of as an educator. My principal and I have been working together to bring a BOOK STUDY to our staff using Ron Clark’s Move Your Bus.
It has been SO much fun putting together this project for our staff that is aligned to one of my FAVORITE books written by one of my FAVORITE educators, the one and only Ron Clark. I have never written a book study nor have I ever been in charge of ANYTHING building wide at my school, and my principal has been the perfect encouragement that I have needed to tackle designing, writing, and preparing this book study for our staff. We are working on SEVERAL ways, too, to share this book study, our syllabus and our workbook with all of you, too! Stay tuned!
And lastly – y’all. Let’s be real. My favorite planning tool in life is my Erin Condren Life Planner! I use it for EVERYTHING!! I used to keep my business to dos and my life to dos separate, but now, there is no better nor more efficient way than to keep it all in one place and that ONE PLACE is in my EC Life Planner, complete with a side of Sharpie Pens! Organization is KIND of my thing, and I SWEAR by my EC Life Planner for keeping all of my to dos organized and in one place!
Would you like to try your FIRST Erin Condren Planner for TEN DOLLARS OFF?! Just click the image below to use my referral code to save you $10 on the BEST planner you’ll ever buy yourself.
If you would like to save any of the 5 ideas, tips, strategies, or fabulous PEOPLE for later <3, feel free to pin this post using the image below! Be sure you’re also following me on Pinterest {here}!
Thank so much for stopping by our #2getherwearebetter linky party! Be sure to check out our friends’ posts below about all of things that THEY LOVE, too!
Thank you for the $10 code!! And I loved your Periscopd video! I definitely went and found you’d YouTube channel after watching it!
Teaching Voracious Learners
Thanks so much! I’m glad you like the chant!
Your favorite things make me so excited!! I LOVE them! Jess is amazing, and I can’t wait to meet her in person!! Your notebooks and pens are always a must! I can’t wait to see the amazing things that you do this year friend! Thank you for continuing to be inspiring and uplifting!!
Mrs. 3rd Grade
Thanks so much, girl!! I can’t wait to meet Jess, either!!
Love the chant! Thank you for sharing!
I’m so glad you like it! Thank you Amy!