Heyyyyy everybody!! Thanks for stopping by the dusted off, freshly updated, spam cleared, glad-I-had-my-password-saved-for BLOG!!! I know it has been a while. It’s LITERALLY been over a year since I’ve last shared my thoughts on here with y’all, and honestly – I HAVE MISSED IT!! So very much. And I’m SUPER excited to be back sharing my two cents and ideas with you all!
But what’s better?
Is that I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been gone.
So I thought that the best way to dive back into our shared classroom shenanigans would be with, first, a quick HELLLLLLO of a post, to let you know I’m okay, to let you know that I AM BACK, to let you know WHAT’S COMING UP NEXT!, and to let you know a bit about where I’ve been.
So instead of grabbing your notebook and flair pens today – grab your coffee – or your lemonade – and let’s talk this out.
I’ve got a top ten list for you – an UPDATED top ten list for you – to catch us all up to speed!
So let’s start with where in the world I’ve been.
1. Life happened.
People have always used that expression and I have never completely understood what in the world it meant. Though now I completely do. Life happened. For the last 2 years, I’ve been on this roller coaster of one day I’d catch my breath and the next day the bottom would fall out all over again. Life happened. Is the bottom done falling out? Probably {and by probably I mean absofrikkenlutely} not. However, a bit more of my “where I’ve been” plays a part in the how I’ve learned to keep my head above water. So am I whole? Nope. Am I happy? Not quite. Am I healed? Definitely not. But keeping my head above water, I’m getting better at. And THAT, my friends, is a victory.
2. I found joy.
I will be honest with you. Completely, no walls between me and you right now, honest with you when I tell you that for 33 years of my life – I didn’t have joy. I didn’t know joy. I didn’t feel joy. I wasn’t capable of joy. The VERY FEW people who know me best, with whom I’ve let my walls down, can tell you that I have said to them something like this …
“it just doesn’t make sense. I have everything. I have an amazing and supportive family, the best of friends, a great job that I love, a 2nd job that I truly enjoy and value, a nice home, a safe car (and I could go on), but I don’t feel joy. I feel like I should. But I don’t. ”
And I could NEVER figure out why. Until this winter. I was at my LOWEST, most sad, and darkest point in my life. I was literally in a pile of tears on the kitchen floor while crying out for help. And – I thank God for that lowest, darkest moment every single day – because it was IN THAT DARK MOMENT that everything change.
There was a pivot.
He heard my cry for help.
Within moments of this pivotal moment in the kitchen, a sweet friend sent me a timely text that lead to a freeing, tear-filled phone call full of prayer and openness. Said friend sent me links to a message to watch. Divine clicking happened, and I watched a completely different message from a completely different pastor than the message that she INTENDED for me to watch. {I won’t even get into the details of how THAT message was living, breathing proof of REDEMPTION that I didn’t even know that I needed to hear at the time}
And that night – I was rescued. I cried. I prayed. I cried some more. And I learned – nearly instantly in my heart – that Jesus is the JOY that I was missing. A job, a person, a check, a new car, not even a new planner and pack of pens – none of that would EVER bring me the JOY that I now know I’m capable of having in my new identity as a daughter of a redemptive, restoring, loving, mighty, and healing king. I am grateful for that night on the kitchen floor. It was the first step in a healing walk and the first step of a redemptive and restorative journey. He made a MESSAGE out of my absolutely horrendous MESS. And I felt in my heart that I was to share that message with you.
{I promise that’s as heavy as it gets – insert cute kitten picture here – for real…}
Thank you for letting me share that moment with y’all.
2b. I found more joy.
Her name is Stella.
Y’all, I don’t even like animals. My 2nd graders will straight up tell you that I don’t like creatures. At all. Though, I am obsessed with Stella. I straight up “baby talk” to her as if she understands me. She sits on my shoulders when I drive the four hours to my parents’ from OH to PA. She loves washi tape. I mean like LOVES washi tape. {she may or may not have eaten some whole more than once} She will bat around any pen that I leave laying out, and her favorites are papermate. #likehermama
I rescued her from a shelter, but y’all she straight up has rescued me. She brings me joy, and I LOVE her.
3. Y’all supported me.
I can’t even tell you the LOVE – PURE LOVE – that y’all have sent to me. While I was MIA… I was talking to all of you. I grew closer to all of you. I heard from SO MANY of you. Your messages, texts, cards, sweet gifts, prayers, surprises, HUGS, listening ears – they all have meant more to me than you know. Y’all know me from the internet. I mean seriously. And your kindness, support, and LOVE have helped to hold me upright.
ANDDDD you haven’t given up on me. There were months at a time even my instagram was silent! But y’all kept on watching and cheering and encouraging! Which is one of the BIGGEST reasons why I absolutely WANT to get back to blogging and VIDEO to share my 2 cents or so with you! You have helped me SO much and I truly MISS helping you! So, stay tuned! <3
4. I won.
One of the COOLEST experiences that I have ever had was this past March – during my blogging hiatus. I was awarded with the Penn State Alumni Achievement Award which is awarded to 9 Penn State Alumni under the age of 35. Y’all. What in the actual world. The other recipients included doctors, business OWNERS, social media managers for major corporations INCLUDING HAMILTON (NO BIG DEAL), NFL FOOTBALL PLAYERS, and Ashley – teacherpreneur – who hadn’t blogged in a year. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL WORLD?!?
So the reason I wanted to share this ridiculously humbling experience with you all is because during the 3 days that I spent at Penn State sharing my story, presenting to students, meeting with Penn State staff, I was interviewed by some phenomenal Penn State media team members. They compiled this {short} little video, highlighting my 3 days on campus and it is just SO neat. My 2nd graders got to see it too (as they have a cameo appearance) and they have told everyone they know that their teacher is famous. I die.
Now let’s take a look at what you can expect next from me!
5. New job.
Just kidding. But almost not. Our school is going from 3 down to 2 second grades for the 17-18 school year because of low numbers. Y’all I LOVE 2nd grade. That was NOT a fun time waiting and wondering what the next school year would bring me. I am SUPER grateful that I get to stay in the land of 2nd graders next year! Although, FIRST GRADE TEACHERS, be on the lookout for something SUPER EXCITING coming your way!! Something exciting that rhymes with “habits”!!<3
6. New videos.
It’s true. I miss video. BIG TIME. Y’all have asked for it. Over and over. I am going to make it happen.
Incase you’re new to my blog, you can check out some previously recorded videos on my youtube channel below!
I have a few plans for what all I would love to bring to you via video, including some fun and engaging classroom stuff!, but let me know in the comments below what you would like to see!
7. New TPT ventures!
I’ve got SEVERAL new resource series in my shop, and a few more on the horizon! I also am SO super excited to be heading to California in July for the annual Teachers pay Teachers conference! Multiple times, I’ve tried to convince myself that I shouldn’t go – in fear of that bottom falling out again. But I’m going. The flight and hotel are booked, and I’m going. Another victory for this restored girl.
I’m also {semi TpT related} going to be presenting THIS OCTOBER at the Teach Your Heart Out conference in HOUSTON!!
I mean – to say I’m excited to present with this star studded line up?!? That would be a ridiculous understatement!! You can click {here} or the image above to register to join us in Houston!
8. New BLOG series.
Honestly – this is a series that I planned on and MENTIONED in my last post before going MIA. I am going to be sharing a HUGE series of blog posts directed at newer teachers, though also helpful for any of us looking for a new idea or angle on classroom must and must not dos. I am going to share how to Be Creative, Be Collaborative, Be Calm, and to Be Connected in my What I Wish I Knew as a New Teacher series!! Stay tuned for that, too!
Something else that’s NEW and on it’s way to you via my blog is some BRAND NEW products from everyone’s favorite . . . EXPO MARKERS!! We are working on some fun and exciting ways to use some brand spankin’ NEWWWW EXPOs in our classrooms! Stay tuned in August and September for more INKciting details. {so cheesy, I know. #sorrynotsorry}
10. New hobby.
And lastly but definitely not least – I’ve got a new hobby, that I can’t help but to share. It’s a hobby that I’ve fallen so completely in love with – so much so that I’ve created my own Instagram account just to share my creations!
Ashley + Bible Journaling = @faithshenanigans on Instagram 🙂
It also means that I now have even more reason to make daily trips to Michaels and Hobby Lobby to #buyallthestickers.
So there it is! An updated top ten list of where I’ve been and mostly importantly and excitingly where I’m headed next. Thank you for listening and for allowing me to share a bit of my 2016 journey with you. Y’all are a part of who I am. I am forever grateful for each and every one of you and am excited to see where the next parts of my journey lead us!
Oh, friend. You did it! How beautifully written! 2016 will forever be the year God gave me my best friend in you. It has been my joy to walk alongside you as you found your Ultimate Joy. Easily the greatest thing I have ever been a part of. Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve with all these exciting new things. Love this and love love love you. So proud of you! PS – you know what I’m going to suggest in the comments. Hint: It’s very SPUH-CIFIC! Wink, wink. 🙂 All the xs and os and #AntiCreatures and WBs. (what a gorgeous picture of WB, too!)
#ANTICREATURES was a MUST in this comment and YEEPPPP I know exactly what your video suggestion would be<3 <3 <3 LOVE YOU!!!
I am so happy you have found joy. It’s true, it can only come from him. Praying for you as you walk with Jesus.
Thank you so much, Autumn. That means so much to me!! I’m so glad to have Him in my corner through it all, now!
You are amazing. First and foremost is HIS eyes, but mine too, and I don’t even know you past the computer. Keep on keeping on girlfriend, you got this!
Thank you so much, Krista! <3 Your kind support means so much to me!!
I don’t even remember when I first “found” you on the internet, we don’t have much in common: I teach upper elementary in a Christian school, live in Tennessee, and have been teaching for around 20 years; but your energy, creativity, and excitement for teaching reeled me in! I follow you on all social media and missed you when you were MIA. I was so excited when you started @faithshenanigans. I am so thankful for the friend who shared Jesus with you! I may never meet you IRL in this lifetime, but how exciting it is to know that you are a sister in Christ and one day in eternity I’ll get to meet “the famous Ashley Schroeder- Penn State Alumnus “! ? I’m looking forward to what’s ahead for you! Thanks for sharing your journey!
Oh wow – RaeAnne THANK YOU so very much for your kind and encouraging words!! I love that as different as we are, my authenticity reeled you in!! <3 Your comment means SO very much to me. So glad to know I'll be meeting YOU in eternity!! Thanks SO very much again. <3
Also – I have to tell you that my friend, Lauren, and I {the sweet friend I mention in this post} were chatting tonight, and she made the comment over an hour ago that “We get to spend eternity praising Jesus with all of these teachers reading your post tonight!!” Your words in your comment were completely spirit driven!! It was as if you had read our conversation!! <3 I just had to share that with you. Thanks again for your kind encouragement!